Saturday, June 7, 2025

JOIN THE 5th ANNUAL BC TRAILS DAY celebrations! 


BC Trails Day is part of the international celebration of Trails Day on the first Saturday of June. BC Trails Day serves to foster awareness about responsible recreation and environmental stewardship while promoting access to and enjoyment of our province's outdoor spaces.

The Outdoor Recreation Council of BC coordinates and promotes BC Trails Day. Outdoor groups and communities are encouraged to host local events, ranging from recreational opportunities, trail stewardship projects or virtual events. You plan it, and the ORCBC will help you promote it!


Steve Andrews photo


Hosting a BC Trails Day event? Apply for a micro-grant!

With support from RC Strategies, McElhanney, and Fortis BC, the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC is thrilled to announce that the BC Trails Day community micro-grants are back! ORCBC offers a limited number of micro-grants of $300 each to help outdoor groups organize BC Trails Day events in their community. Past BC Trails Day events have included trail improvements, clean ups, educational events, guided hike/rides/paddles, inclusive access initiatives and more! 

Grants can help cover essential costs like tools, supplies, equipment rentals, and materials. Eligible applicants include outdoor recreation groups, youth organizations, municipalities, and Indigenous groups and communities.

The application deadline is Wednesday, April 30, 2025. Decisions will be announced on May 7, 2025 via email.


Elkford Trails Alliance


Event Ideas

Any recreational trail or outdoor education activity can qualify as a BC Trails Day event. Celebrate and raise awareness locally through:

  • Trail or park clean-ups

  • Local trail improvements

  • Leave No Trace, Tread Lightly or Marine Trails Code of Conduct education events

  • Youth-focused activities and stewardship

  • Guided activities for new trail users

  • Bird or wildlife-watching trips

  • Community celebrations

  • Virtual events, such as presentations or workshops

If you have any questions about BC Trails Day or how to plan an event, contact us.


Fernie Trails Alliance

2025 BC Trails Day Sponsors and Supporters

The Outdoor Recreation Council of BC is grateful to the generous sponsors and supporters that help make BC Trails Day a success. We can’t do it without you! Read our sponsorship package and get in touch to become a 2025 BC Trails Day sponsor!

A look back

Started in 2021 as part of the international trails day celebration, British Columbians from every region of the province have come together to celebrate and appreciate our province’s incredible trails networks, the volunteers who help create and maintain them, and the initiatives that help make the outdoors inclusive and accessible.

inaugural event (2021)

The first ever BC Trails Day saw 36 events hosted across the province! The day marked the start of an annual celebration of trails and stewardship. Read all about it in the 2021 BC Trails Day Report.

2nd annual Event (2022)

The 2022 BC Trails Day on June 4 was a roaring success with 54 events in 46 communities and $7,600 distributed in small grants to 20 event host organizations. 

One of the organizations that benefited from a BC Trails Day small grant was Colour the Trails which put on an introduction to mountain biking for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) youth in a park in Metro Vancouver. 

Video credit: Colour the Trails.

3rd annual Event (2023)

Our biggest trail celebration yet! 80 events in 60 communities and $13,370 distributed in micro-grants!

Read our 2023 BC Trails Day Report for inspiring stories of volunteers across the province working together to take care of BC’s beautiful trail system.

4th annual Event (2024)

We proudly showed off our new branding on hats and stickers given out to event hosts to use as prizes and tokens of appreciation.

Read our 2024 BC Trails Day Report to learn about the 67 incredible events that took place in 56 communities across the province!

Questions and Answers

  • Celebrate and take action to support BC Trails Day this year by:

    • Hosting an event, it’s completely free to register

    • Attending an event, local events are held throughout the province

    • Hitting the trails

    • Becoming a member of a local trail group

    • Donating to the Bucks for BC Trails Fundraiser in June

    • Entering ORCBC’s contests

    • Sponsoring local events or ORCBC’s initiatives

  • Registering your event with ORCBC is entirely free. Our resources are also completely free thanks to the generous support of our sponsors. Most local BC trails Day events are also free and open to the public however, some local events may have a small participation fee or ask that you be a member. Check with your local event host if you are planning to attend a local event!

  • Absolutely anyone! We encourage outdoor groups, businesses, local governments and communities to plan events in B.C.. Partnering up with other groups, organizations or businesses in your community can allow you to reach a larger audience.

  • If it’s in celebration of BC trails then it’s already on the right track. Whether it’s in-person or virtual, there are many ways to host an event.

  • There are many benefits to hosting a BC Trails Day event! You might:

    • Introduce new or under-represented groups to the outdoors⁠

    • Recruit the people needed to complete a trail maintenance project⁠

    • Promote your club and encourage people to try a new outdoor activity

    • Raise awareness of recreating responsibly and why it matters

    • Your favourite trails get some much-needed TLC after an influx of visitors the last few years

    • Meet like-minded outdoors lovers and build community ⁠

    • Foster partnership with BC’s diverse outdoor recreation groups. We’re stronger together!

    • Building more support for trails and outdoor recreation in BC means more funding

    • Reach out to new and existing members and supporters to recruit volunteers

  • We will not be offering micro-grants this year as we are focusing our granting efforts on the launch of the Outdoor Recreation Fund of BC. However we are working hard to provide other exciting opportunities for event hosts including BC Trails Day merchandise and prizes.