Request for Proposals

BC Tourism | Shayd Johnson.

Update: Please note that this Request for Proposals has been filled.

ORCBC is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to develop an Outdoor Recreation Communities Guide.


Outdoor recreation is a powerful catalyst for economic development and community revitalization. The Outdoor Recreation Council of British Columbia (ORCBC) seeks proposals from qualified consultants to develop an Outdoor Recreation Communities Guide for rural areas. 

This guide aims to provide B.C. communities with strategies, best practices and tools for leveraging local resources and implementing sustainable practices to support economic diversification and community health through outdoor recreation economies.

Revelstoke will serve as a case study and pilot area, but the project is designed to benefit all interested rural communities in the province. The guide and additional resources, including webinars, will be freely available to all communities.

Project Objectives

The guide will outline resources and best practices for:

  • Identifying suitable community economic development strategies.

  • Conducting market analyses and other research.

  • Mapping community and recreational assets.

  • Building support and collaboration for an outdoor recreation vision.

  • Understanding how to build momentum.

  • Identifying and accessing funding sources.

  • Anticipating challenges and proposing potential solutions.

Scope of Work

The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks (including but not limited to):

  1. Research:

    1. Assess the needs and opportunities of rural communities in BC regarding leveraging outdoor recreation as an economic development strategy.

    2. Undertake a review of research, models, processes, toolkits, and other resources used in BC and other jurisdictions.

  2. Stakeholder Engagement:

    1. Interview community representatives, First Nations, government agencies, and tourism and recreation organizations (no less than 30). Identify themes, case studies, and quotations.

    2. Engage with key stakeholders involved in healthy communities, land use planning, and economic development to gather input and discuss how outdoor recreation relates to their priorities and key planning processes.

    3. Consult with ORCBC and a small technical advisory group assembled by ORCBC in strategic decisions about guide content and format.      

  3. Guide Development:

    1. Develop a strategic approach to the toolkit that leverages existing resources and fills high-priority gaps for BC communities.

    2. Develop a comprehensive, user-friendly toolkit, including relevant case studies, guidelines, checklists, templates, and resource lists. The guide should identify how outdoor recreation can contribute to a resilient community and provide guidance for integrating outdoor recreation into existing community strategies, plans, and policies and using outdoor recreation to catalyze broader community development initiatives. 

    3. Ensure the toolkit covers topics such as the outdoor recreation economy in BC, development and maintenance of trails and recreational amenities, research and planning, building support, community engagement and collaboration, funding opportunities, and environmental stewardship.

  4. Guide Validation and Refinement:

    1. In addition to Revelstoke, identify at least five communities (such as Nakusp, Kimberley, Fernie, Cumberland, Burns Lake and Smithers) to provide feedback on the guide through workshops or focus groups.

    2. Revise the guide based on community feedback.

  5. Review and Finalization:

    1. Present draft versions of the toolkit to ORCBC for review and incorporate feedback.

    2. Finalize the toolkit and provide a detailed implementation plan.

ORCBC Resources

ORCBC will provide the Contractor with the following resources:

  • Staff support for collaboration, consultation, five case study interviews and guide design.

  • Access to a technical advisory group for consultation.

  • Available information/data/strategies from relevant sectors and initiatives.


The consultant is expected to deliver:

  • A detailed report on the research findings.

  • Documentation of stakeholder engagement activities and feedback.

  • A comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Communities Guide.

  • A presentation of the toolkit to ORCBC and at a public webinar.

  • An implementation plan for rolling out the toolkit to communities across BC.

Proposal Requirements

Proposals should be no longer than seven pages and include the following information:

  • Executive summary: Overview of the consultant's qualifications and proposed approach.

  • Company profile: Provide a description of the consulting firm or individual consultant, including relevant experience and expertise.

  • Project approach: Detailed description of the proposed methodology for developing the guide and a timeline of key activities and milestones.

  • Key personnel: Bios and roles of the team members involved in the project.

  • Previous experience: Examples of similar projects completed, including references.

  • Budget: Detailed cost estimate, including breakdown of fees, hourly rates, expected expenses/disbursements, and any other probable costs. Include a schedule of hourly rates should additional services be required.

  • Additional information: Any other relevant information that supports the proposal.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated understanding of the project objectives and requirements.

  • Relevant experience and expertise of the consulting firm and key personnel.

  • Quality and feasibility of the proposed approach and methodology.

  • Ability to engage effectively with stakeholders.

  • Ability to meet the submission deadline.

  • Cost-effectiveness and value for money.

  • References and past performance on similar projects.

Submission Instructions

Proposals should be submitted electronically in PDF format to by July 10, 2024. Please include "Outdoor Recreation Communities Guide Proposal" in the subject line.


  • RFP Issuance Date: June 18, 2024

  • Proposal Submission Deadline: July 10, 2024

  • Consultant Selection: July 24, 2024

  • Project Kickoff: August 1, 2024

  • Project Completion: February 28, 2025


The budget is up to $50,000.

Terms and Conditions

  • ORCBC reserves the right to reject proposals and negotiate with any respondent.

  • All materials submitted in response to this RFP become the property of ORCBC and may be used as deemed appropriate. 

  • The consultant is responsible for the costs incurred in preparing the proposal and will not be reimbursed by ORCBC.

Contact Information

Louise Pedersen, Executive Director  
Outdoor Recreation Council of British Columbia  
PO Box 763, Revelstoke BC V0E 2S0  
250-814-8648 /  

Founded in 1976, the Outdoor Recreation Council of British Columbia (ORCBC) is a charitable organization that serves as a collective voice for a wide range of outdoor recreational groups and activities, including hiking, cycling, paddling, skiing, fishing, horseback riding, and motorized recreation. ORCBC advocates for public outdoor recreation interests and promotes sustainable outdoor recreation practices across British Columbia. Learn more at


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