B.C. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Framework

Destination BC | Kari Medig photo

The Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (WLRS) has released a draft B.C. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Framework, and the deadline for feedback is January 15, 2024.

The draft Framework has been developed from research, jurisdictional scans and the comments received through provincial and regional workshops and webinars related to broader work on the Old Growth Strategic Review of which the Framework stems from (Recommendation 2). Engagement sessions were held throughout 2023.

About the draft Framework

The purpose of the Framework is to reflect the Province’s commitment to prioritize the conservation and management of biodiversity and ecosystem health in British Columbia and to formalize this priority for all sectors through legislation and other enabling tools. It aims to strengthen initiatives and actions that are working towards ecosystem resilience, building on successes and wise practices that can be scaled and applied more broadly.

For more information, see B.C.'s draft Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Framework.

Ways to provide input and learn more about the draft Framework:

·       Provide input on the draft Framework on behalf of your organization. Please send input to Biodiversity.Ecosystemhealth@gov.bc.ca

·       Attend a webinar (three opportunities from late November to early January), use this Eventbrite link to register.

What next?

Input will support finalizing the draft Framework and inform planning for implementation. Once the Framework is finalized in early 2024, it will be released publicly along with an implementation plan. If you have any questions, please email Biodiversity.Ecosystemhealth@gov.bc.ca.


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