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BC Trails Day Poker Run

Join Grand Forks Community Trails Society and Kettle River Cycling Association for a BC Trails Day Poker Run. Starting and ending at City Park participants will engage in either a 4.5 km hike or a 9 km cycle on trails in Grand Forks. Trails include the newly completed dike trail and River Meadows Trail along the Granby River, the Observation Mtn rail bed and portions of the Trans Canada Trail. There will be five stations on each route where participant do a fun activity and receive a playing card. Upon return to City Park there will be prizes for best poker hand , best costume, oldest bike, etc. Free event with free BBQ after hike/bike routes are completed. We will also have information booths at City Park including info on invasive species.

Event Location: Grand Forks City Park and various trails within City

June 1

Trail Maintenance Day with Nakusp & Area Bike Society

June 1

Wild About Lheidli Keyoh Prince George (WALK PG)